Friday, March 11, 2016

Weight Loss Super Foods Really Work

Almost all super foods will help you lose weight because they have very few calories to begin with. How would you feel if you knew that simply by eating certain foods you could lose weight and reduce the risk of several diseases? Fantastic right! In this article we talk about weight loss super foods to create an awareness of nature's goodness.


The internet is flooded with information about weight loss super foods but it is the aim of this article to present you with information about the most popular super foods to help you realize your goal.

According to the Center for Disease Control we need to eat at least 7, get it, 7 vegetables or more daily to stay healthy and safeguard against disease. How will you know what fruits and vegetables you are supposed to be eating? Simple answer - all fruits and vegetables are star material; they are low in calories, high in fiber and have unique antioxidants that boost the immune system and keep you healthy.

Each color of the vegetable or fruit denotes a different set of phytochemicals (active health protection compounds found in plants) that provides you with different health benefits. You will find below some of the top rated weight loss super foods to help you in your quest to shed those pounds.

Tomatoes, watermelon, pink grapefruit and red bell peppers all have lycopene which can help you fight certain cancers. Lycopene is found in a high concentration when you cook the tomatoes and bell peppers.
Spinach, brussel sprouts, collard greens, bok choy and broccoli are full of lutein which will help to reduce the risk of heart and stroke problems. It also helps to guard against macular degeneration.

You can say goodbye to all the toxins in your body because natural foods will flush them right out. There are so many benefits form this type of diet. You will feel energetic, your concentration will improve and you will feel healthier than you have ever felt in years.

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