Monday, March 7, 2016

Kettlebells - The Perfect Extreme Cardio Tool

If you're like me and you hate 'cardio' that 'normal' people do at the gym - like the elliptical trainer or the recumbent bike - then kettlebells could be the perfect cardio tool for you. I'd like to talk about exactly what 'cardio' is, how kettlebells are the perfect tool for getting an amazing cardio workout, and exactly what a kettlebell cardio workout would look like.


'Cardio', otherwise known as 'aerobic exercise', is defined by Wikipedia as follows: "Aerobic exercise is physical exercise that intends to improve the efficiency of the cardiovascular system in absorbing and transporting oxygen. Aerobic means "with oxygen", and refers to the use of oxygen in the body's metabolic or energy-generating process. Many types of exercise are aerobic, and by definition are performed at moderate levels of intensity for extended periods of time."

This is clearly a pretty broad definition. A typical kettlebell workout, as anyone who has worked with them can attest to, gets your heart rate up really quickly. If your heart rate is up for an extended period of time, it qualifies as cardio - and by keeping the rest periods between sets low, among other things, we can easily do that with kettlebells.

Here's a couple of kettlebell cardio workouts for you to try:
1. Run and Swing
Those of you coming from a fighting background have surely done 'road work' at some point in time - here's how to incorporate your kb:

1. run 400m/ 1 lap around a standard track or 1/4 mile fast
2. do 50 kettlebell swings repeat this 4 times as fast as possible
Note: you can break up the swings if you can't do 50 non-stop - but that's the eventual goal
2. Kettlebell and Bodyweight 15's
15 kb swings
15 burpees
15 kb clean and presses
15 sit ups
15 kb squats
15 push ups
15 kb snatches
repeat circuit 2x as fast as possible without rest
Kettlebells are a great tool for getting an extreme cardio workout. Enjoy these samples and keep training hard!

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