Wednesday, March 9, 2016

The Best Fat Burning Exercise - Is Cardio Exercise Or Not?

The best fat burning exercise is cardio exercises. Why? Because when you do cardio you burn the most calories.
What is the best cardio exercise? The answer to this question is: the best exercise is simply the one you will do day in and day out consistently. Choose one which you enjoy doing and don't be afraid to mix the exercises up.
There are two schools of though when it comes to cardio training. These two schools breakdown like this:


a) Slow & Steady Cardio
Long duration (45min - 1 hour)
Low intensity
Burn fat and not carbs
Preserve joints
b) High Intensity Cardio
Short duration (20min - 30min)
High intensity (interval training)
Burn tons of calories
Treat cardio like weights - explosive movements
My advice is to try both for at least 4 weeks and make sure to monitor your progress to see if you're truly losing fat.

What cardio you should do?
Below are the best 5 cardio exercises:

1. Running
Running is one of best activities you can do. It doesn't require special equipment (except some quality shoes) and you can do it anywhere. Best of all, you burn serious calories

2. Bicycling
Outdoors or indoors, cycling gives some great cardio. Using all the power in your legs, you'll increase endurance while burning lots of calories.

3. Swimming
Swimming is a full body exercise. The more body parts you involve in your workout, the more calories you'll burn.

4. Step aerobics
One of the most favorite cardio exercises preferred by women.

5. Walking
Brisk walking is a less strenuous form of cardio exercises.
For people who love the H.I.I.T training (High Intensity Interval Training), below are the top three cardio exercise which will provide amazing results.

1. Jumping Rope
This is one of the simplest, yet most effective exercises one can do.

2. Sprinting
Sprinting not only burns HUGE amounts of calories while sprinting, it also keeps your metabolism flying for days after.

3. Spinning
These high-intensity workouts to music simulate a challenging bike ride, complete with hills, valleys and varying speeds, all dictated by the group instructor.

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