Sunday, March 6, 2016

Cardio Clarification For Your Weight Loss Goals

It has recently come to my attention that people are getting confused about cardio. Let me start off by stating this: not all activities that are considered "cardio" are bad for you. Nor should you avoid them.
Allow me to explain: everyone would benefit from going on a brisk 30 minute walk everyday. It is very beneficial to your overall health. What I don't recommend, however, is spending hours per week on a machine in an effort to improve body composition. There are simply way more effective (both with time and outcome) methods that can be used.
Everyone should engage in activity that stresses their cardiovascular system. One of my favorite methods is playing soccer with my dog. I get to run around, get my heart rate up, watch my dog act completely insane, get some fresh air, and improve my health.

My other favorite methods are bodyweight circuits. These are very challenging and aren't as stressful on the joints like running. I also perform intervals with bodyweight exercises, sandbags, kettlebells, dumbbells, and barbells. These allow me to "get my heart rate up" and decrease body fat. These activities also take significantly less time than traditional "cardio" workouts.

I'll also give you my professional opinion on running: if your main goal is health and improvements in body composition, I would not do it. There are too many other options that are much more joint friendly. I spoke to a radiologist a few years ago, and he said he would never run again because of all the damage he sees in individuals who ran frequently. It can just wear out your knees. This is especially true if you are a woman. Sorry, ladies. We are biologically made to have wider hips, and that's not great news if you spend time running. Several years ago I used to run several days a week, and my right knee started to hurt. I got an MRI on my knee and was told my medial meniscus was in the shape "that you see in an older person." I believe I was only 18 then.

However, if running is an activity you thoroughly enjoy, and it doesn't cause you pain, I would never discourage you from doing that. Do what you love!
There are two types of people who run:

A) Those who run for enjoyment and/or compete in races
B) Those who say, "Ugh. I've gotta go run because I have to get my cardio in."
If you are type A, more power to you. That's awesome that you have an activity that you enjoy. If you are type B, however, you should find a more enjoyable activity that trains your energy systems. Don't waste time doing something you don't enjoy; especially when there are other methods that could get you results.
I apologize to anyone I confused. I would never discourage someone from engaging in activities that improve their cardiovascular health. I would, however, probably suggest alternative methods of doing so.

If your typical "cardio" workouts are on a machine, get off them. Do some bodyweight circuits instead.
1) Bodyweight Squats x15
2) Pushups x10
3) Inverted Rows x10
4) Plank x20-30 seconds
Go through the circuit without rest. Rest 1 minute at the end and go through the circuit 2-3 more times.
Simple, yet very effective.

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